Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I feel myself in a shower of blessings lately:

We're expecting our 5th child in February of 2010! (and so far, I feel GREAT!!)

I have a live audition/interview with Atlantic Records in New York City on Friday, 6/19/09!
(hopefully, I'll still be feeling GREAT on this day and will NOT be knee-deep in morning sickness!)

It's often tempting for me as a Christian to wonder if I've done something to "earn" blessings that the Lord delivers. It's also tempting for me to almost immediately begin to wonder when the "other shoe is going to drop" so to speak, and the blessing(s) is undone in that moment.
Both are quite dangerous to a person's faith; to MY faith. For a faith that is based on results, outcomes, expectations, or "what ifs" as I call them is really no faith at all. I must constantly remind myself that true faith just trusts no matter what is happening in life.

I return to the Lord's Word daily and remind myself of His promises to me. To all who Believe.
My salvation is not based on what I can do, earn, give, be, or anything else. My eternal security and love from God is based solely on the faith that I have in Jesus Christ and what He has done for me at Calvary.
When the Lord chooses to bless, it isn't because I've been some All-Star Christian Gal. He longs to bless us at all times! His Word proclaims this! This is where my faith comes in: whether I'm in a season of blessing or a season of grief, His plan is for my highest good. I don't have to "DO" anything but love, follow, trust, and proclaim His love to the world. He will bless me always. Even when I don't feel like I'm being blessed-I am!!

"May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace" Numbers 6:21

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Glorious Spring!

I love Spring!

The way it bursts forth into our wide world as if being contained any longer would be its death...it's so life-affirming and even romantic.

Spring for me always feels like a fresh start. A new beginning. A chance to LIVE with more LIFE. Perhaps that's why our Glorious Creator chose to raise His precious Son from the grave on our behalf in this season. That's the most wonderful part of Spring: the resurrection!

Be blessed today in knowing that you can have a fresh start at the foot of the cross and at the mouth of the empty tomb!

"I know that my Redeemer Lives!"

Thursday, January 1, 2009

"Time, time, time...see what's become of me..."

2009 has pushed its way into the world.

I remember as a very young teen thinking that in 2009 I would turn 40 years old. This seemed utterly impossible to me at the time as for some unknown (and slightly morbid) reason, I always thought I would die long before I turned 40! I never allowed myself to entertain thoughts about what my life would be like. While my friends were thinking of their future husbands, children, careers, college transcripts-I was only going through the motions of each day. I just never thought it would come to be, so I never dreamed or fantasised. I never knew I'd be blessed with an amazing husband and 4 amazing kids to homeschool-that's for sure! I never thought I'd get to sing/write for the Lord I love as a national recording artist. I never thought I'd even BE a Believer in the Lord Jesus and have Eternity in Heaven to look forward to! I certainly didn't realize I'd have SO MUCH grey hair! I will never get used to this, but that's another reason my hubby is so awesome-he touches up my roots for me every 4 weeks! I will say that 40 absolutely felt like the geriatrics ward, and not at all "the new 20" that folks call it today!

I always feel a bit of anxiety when the New Year comes to life. I suppose there's always more I wished I'd have accomplished in the previous year, and there's trepidation about all the things (some transferred over from the past year!) I'd like to see come to fruition. I think it common for women especially to entertain the "what ifs" and in so doing, sort of snub the "right nows". I guess I've completely changed in that regard since my early teen years!

I must consistently remind myself that all of my "what ifs" are not really mine. They are in the Lord's hands. All my dreams, aspirations, desires, fears, disappointments-the whole lot-belong to Him. If He can spin the earth, place the stars, and make sure the sun dawns on a New Year faithfully, I can rest in knowing that He can sort out my cares. The trick for me is to REST in that truth.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. " Matthew 11: 28-29

What a wondrous Scripture to start the New Year off with!! Praise the Lord that we can each claim this Truth for our very own!! To have rest is to have peace of mind or spirit. Oh, how I long to rest. Not to be idle, mind you, but to rest in knowing that as I make my way through each and every day the Lord blesses me with, my mind and my spirit are at rest in His plan for my life. Thank you Lord for all you are and do for me!

Happy (healthy, blessed) 2009!!